Chemical Components
Cranesbill root contains a large amount of tannins, and geraniin is a main component of these tannins. Geraniin is the most potent natural inhibitor known to man of the SSAO enzyme.
Pharmacological Actions
Geraniin inactivates SSAO's metabolism of substrate molecules, extending their duration in the body and sometimes increasing potency, lowering the necessary dose.
Subjective Effects
Substrates of SSAO, when taken with an SSAO inhibitor, will last longer and can sometimes become more powerful per dose, making a lower dose necessary to maintain safety. Many substrates of SSAO will not have any noticeable effects at all unless SSAO is inhibited, making SSAO inhibition a valuable tool.
SSAO also performs other roles in the immune system and inflammation. SSAO inhibitors are commonly used as anti-inflammatory agents.
Strong SSAO inhibition causes a strange feeling near the surface of the body, best characterized as a "loose" dissociation of detailed proprioception. It is not the same feeling caused by other dissociatives such as NMDA antagonists or D2 agonists, and is probably related to the non-metabolic roles of SSAO in the human body. This strange feeling can become very strong, but tolerance is rapidly gained to the feeling while SSAO inhibition itself does not gain tolerance.
SSAO Inhibition
500 mg has been the lowest tested dose. This dose activates SSAO substrates. Tests with lower doses remain to be performed.
1000 mg has been the lowest tested dose that causes the feeling of skin dissociation. 750 mg remains to be tested.